Joachims' Compressor           

version 2 (13-feb-2000)  


Threshold : Any volume above this setting will cause the compressor to start lowering the volume.
Ratio : This works a bit like a (dry - wet) mix level
Attack time : Determines how fast the compressor will duck the volume, once the sound is peaking above the threshold level.
This setting will typically affect how 'clicky' percussive sound will appear.
Release time : Determines how fast the volume will rise back to it's original level, when the sound is no longer peaking.
This setting can affect how sounds fade out.
Output gain : Since compression will typically lower the volume, the output level has been designed to offer a quite extensive amount of boost.

Tip :
Try to avoid getting a 'pumping' sound. This can be difficult, but usually it is a result of an improper setting of the attack and release times.

Note :
Unlike most other Buzz effects and generators, this effect reacts in a logarithmic way, in order to give it a more analog feel. This should make the slider controls a bit easyer to operate.       :-)

Bugs :
Well ... I'm a beginner in Windows programming, so I can't really guarantee your safety. I'll just say like programmers usually say: 'It works on my machine!' Anyway - if you have something really urgent to tell me, I can be reached at :

Licensing :
This software is freeware. The author of this program cannot be held responsible for any damage this program may do to your system! Use it at your own risk!